Tuesday, December 16, 2014

How are ya?.
I still can't beleive I'm almost to my last 6 months! It's unreal! Things are going by so fast. The sisters that flew out with me go home at the end of this month and the others go home in february, which is a really weird feeling! 
Things are going good out here! Elder Cabas and I are working super hard and seeing a lot of success! now we just need to get these people baptized! A lot of them have potential and will be awesome members :) 
It's cool how much we've been guided by the spirit this past week. We've been super busy but in the little windows of time that we have to work huge blessings come. one day we only had like an hour to teach so we decided just to knock on doors and all three doors we knocked on let us in and we taught them and got return appointments :) When we do the small things God makes big things happen! Thats what we've been trying to teach the missionaries in the zone is that being obedient to every detail will bring huge blessings!! I think it applies to non missionaries too! 
anyways I love you! miss ya tons! 
Elder Austin